Knowledge Domains

Agile Working and Product Development
I have successfully implemented Scrum and Dual Track Agile processes in various organizations. At V8Web Digital Agency, I led the implementation of Scrum, which was a new and progressive way of product development at the time. More recently, I established a Dual Track Agile process at Positive Keyword and also implemented multiple Scrum teams at TTEC. My experience has shown that working with self-management in short-cycle processes can lead to the best results for an organization in the long term. However, I have also learned that anchoring this working method in organizations can be challenging. I would like to share my insights and experience on how to successfully implement Agile practices in any organization.

Team Interventions and Team Coaching
Through a wealth of experience in facilitating team interventions, I have navigated countless teams through challenges to unlock their full potential. Unveiling the root causes behind issues like role ambiguity, unclear mandates, or mission drift, I employ a refined methodology to steer teams towards clarity and cohesion. Recognizing the unique dynamics of autonomous teams, the presence of a neutral coach can be transformative, transcending traditional managerial roles. This requirement extends beyond the realms of Agile coaching, underscoring the significance of a guiding hand that fosters autonomy and growth. Through my expertise and dedication to team development, I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact of strategic interventions and tailored guidance. The art of team coaching is not just about problem-solving; it is about sculpting a path to success through collaboration, empowerment, and shared vision. If you are curious to delve deeper into this transformative approach, I am eager to share more insights with you. I work together with Teamdriver and their intervention tools to coach and guide teams.

Transformation Management and Organizational Design
With extensive experience in organizational transformation, I understand that true change begins with a willingness to adapt and evolve. While employees may be eager to undergo a transformation, it is often the organization's Operating Model that presents the greatest challenge. Changing the relationships between departments within an organization is a complex process that requires careful consideration and expert guidance. In addition, innovation often brings new business models that can test the loyalty of even the most dedicated managers. As a neutral coach, I am uniquely positioned to help organizations navigate these challenges and make the transition to a new Operating Model. With no personal stake in the outcome, I can provide objective insights and guidance to ensure a successful transformation.

Bringing Innovation and Focusing on Execution
Innovation frequently faces challenges amidst the demands of daily operations, a common dilemma across various organizations. To address this, Bill Sharpe's Three Horizon Model offers a reliable approach. This model delineates how organizations can allocate resources for short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals. I have frequently assisted organizations in understanding the essential tasks across these three temporal dimensions. Moreover, the model emphasizes the need for diverse cultures within an organization: a performance-driven culture for short-term objectives, a learning-oriented culture for medium-term growth, and a visionary culture for long-term strategic planning.

Building a successful growth team is essential for the growth of digital assets. My expertise lies in setting up dedicated teams that focus on weekly improvements in results, enhancing the performance of apps and websites through continuous experimentation. Unfortunately, many organizations overlook the importance of establishing a growth team when purchasing or developing a platform, app, or website. I would be delighted to assist your organization in setting up a growth team, which includes establishing a smart data platform and tool stack (CRM, CS, Email), creating an experiment backlog, setting up (AARRR) funnels, and assembling the growth team.

Digital Growth and Acceleration
My role involves driving digital growth through innovative strategies and continuous improvement. I focus on setting up growth teams, leveraging data, and AI to optimize performance and achieve scalable results. By implementing effective growth strategies and ensuring the seamless integration of AI and data science, I help organizations accelerate their digital transformation and achieve sustained growth.

Venture Coaching
New initiatives like spin-offs, spin-outs, or startups progress through various stages rapidly. They transition from the prototype stage to the minimum viable product (MVP), then to achieving product-market fit, and sometimes back to refining product-market fit. Throughout each stage of these ventures, there are shifts in culture, leadership approaches, and management strategies. My role involves assisting emerging ventures in identifying their current phase, providing guidance on associated behaviors, and offering coaching to navigate these transitions effectively. It is common for ventures to become entrenched in outdated beliefs that no longer align with their current stage of development. For further insights on this topic, please refer to the referenced article.

Are you curious about how my services can benefit your company?

Do you have any questions or concerns that you'd like to discuss without any pressure or commitment? If so, I would be more than happy to hear from you! Send me a message on whatsapp and let’s have a coffee and explore how we can work together to achieve your business goals.

Brain Leo Leo

Leonardo Pacher