Product, Growth & Digital Transformation

I support changemakers and (management) teams with challenges in the field of digital transformation, product strategy and growth. 

Driving growth and innovation in the data-driven world 

Bringing innovation and transformation to the digital domain    

With over 15 years of expertise, I bring a deep understanding of data analytics, AI, and digital marketing. My journey began at V8Web, where I spearheaded long-term vision projects, driving significant company growth and winning industry awards.

My career evolved

as I transitioned to roles such as Strategic Marketing Manager at FedEx, where I implemented AI-driven segmentation and personalized campaigns across four countries, achieving a 43% increase in B2B sales. 

B2B Lead

At TTEC, I led the B2B Lead Engine, designing and orchestrating high-visibility customer events and product launches, significantly strengthening brand presence and market share.

As the founder 

of Positive Keyword in Amsterdam, I leveraged AI and machine learning to enhance brand visibility and personalize digital marketing strategies, resulting in a 300% increase in ROI.

Data-driven decision-making

My expertise includes data-driven decision-making, AI implementation, strategic planning, team leadership, and digital transformation.

 harness the power of data and AI

I am passionate about using my skills and experience to help companies harness the power of data and AI, driving them to new heights of success .

Are you curious about how my services can benefit your company?

Do you have any questions or concerns that you'd like to discuss without any pressure or commitment? If so, I would be more than happy to hear from you! Send me a message on whatsapp and let’s have a coffee and explore how we can work together to achieve your business goals.

Brain Leo Leo

Leonardo Pacher